Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Potential Grade Center Viewing Problem

There is a Grade Center aggravation that has started popping up amongst instructors in the VCCS. This is something that I have experienced myself and wanted to make sure that you were aware.

There seems to be an issue that can be caused by zooming in and out when using Internet Explorer 8. This can apparently cause you to then be unable to view the last row of your students within the full grade center view. You would no longer be able to see the row for your last student. Even if you don't think that you have been using zoom within Internet Explorer, if you are using IE8...you need to double check this. This is not a problem when using Firefox.

An easy check for this is to...

  1. Click the yellow triangle at the top of the last name column within the Grade Center. This will put your students in reverse alphabetical order by last name.

  2. Make note of the student now at the top of your grade center.

  3. Click the yellow triangle at the top of the last name column again to put them back in alphabetical order.

  4. Scroll down to view the last row of your grade center. Can you see that last student? (The one that was at the top when you put it in reverse alphabetical order.) If not, then you are experiencing this problem.

    If this happens to you, there is a pretty easy fix. While viewing the grade center, hold the "Ctrl" button down on the keyboard and click your + or - symbols to zoom in and out. You may need to do this a couple of times. After trying this, scroll down to the last row of your grade center again and see if you can now see that student. If not, try the zoom in and out again a few times. This should correct the problem.

I know. This sounds crazy, but it works!! : )