Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Blackboard Collaborate

The entire community college system now has access to a program called Blackboard Collaborate Web Conferencing tool. Through Collaborate, you can provide live online instruction, hold meetings, or provide one-on-one help. This is a similar product to the Adobe Connect program that we have been using for several years. We have been needing to either replace or update Adobe Connect, so this is a welcome addition.

Blackboard Collaborate is integrated into your course areas in Blackboard which should make it very easy for instructors to utilize this program with students. It can, however, be used independently from Blackboard. So, if you don't teach any courses, but would like to utilize this program to meet with colleagues on other campuses or if working with students that you can't meet with in person, using this is an option.

Here is a link to the Blackboard Collaborate website where there are some presentations on the web conferencing component. Blackboard Collaborate Website

We are hoping that there are a few of you who would like to be our early implementers with this product. We would like to begin with training a small group to begin using this program very soon. We can then get feedback from that group before offering training sessions open to everyone later this spring. If you are interested in being in our first group, please click on the link below to submit your name. Ashley is going to hold a training session for this group at the end of the month, so don't delay in submitting your name. We would both appreciate your participation.
