Thursday, December 9, 2010

Course Evaluations

Don't forget to remind students in your online and hybrid courses to complete the online course evaluation. You have a course evaluation button on your course menu that you should make available to your students, and then post an announcement and send your students a reminder email directing them to that button. The more emphasis you put on completing the evaluation, the more students that will complete the survey.

I have placed a link below to a handout that mentions a few small things that you can do that may help increase the number of students that complete the evaluation. I have also included instructions in that handout on how to make the course evaluation button available in case you needed some help, and these suggestions would still apply for the spring semester. Something that you could keep in mind as you set-up your courses for the spring, you could identify the course evaluation survey as the students' final assignment. For some students, if you treat the evaluation as an assignment that they are required to complete, then they will do it. Some will at least! : )

Blackboard Training Materials
Course Evaluation Handout (Direct Link)
Blackboard Training Materials (To Download and/or Print Copies of Handouts)
Course Evaluation Survey (Direct Link)

If you have any questions or find you need any assistance with Blackboard, please let me know.