Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Availability of Previous Courses

Don't forget to make courses from previous semesters unavailable to students (Spring and Summer 2010).

Since Fall 09 incompletes were wrapped up at the end of the Spring 10 semester, I am going to make all Fall 09 course areas in Blackboard unavailable tomorrow evening (August 19th) before the new semester officially begins. If for some reason your Fall 09 course(s) need(s) to remain available to students, please just let me know by 4:00 pm on the 19th. The Fall 09 courses, if left available, will be most problematic for students. They see fall and don't notice the year, and they think they are enrolled in the wrong course in Blackboard.

As far as your Spring or Summer 2010 course areas are concerned,
instructions on modifying course availability can be found at the web address linked at the bottom of this posting. If you are hiding courses from your view on the SVCC and/or Teach tab, you will need to first go to either your SVCC or Teach tab within Blackboard and click on the circular icon (picture) in the upper right corner of your My Blackboard Courses module (box). It looks a little like a flower. That will allow you to manage the settings for that particular module, and display the courses from previous semester on your tab. (Hiding course on your display only hides them from your view, not your students.) Once you have done this, you will be able to enter that course area to make the course unavailable to students. I appreciate your help with this. Students get very confused when they see links to courses they are no longer enrolled in at Southside.

Modifying Course Availability

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fall Courses and Blackboard: Are you ready?

August 20th begins our Fall schedule of courses at Southside. The enrollment process to place students into their Blackboard course areas will begin on Wednesday, August 18th, so students should be enrolled in course areas sometime Thursday. This will be done for all online, hybrid, and seated courses. You still control student access to your course area and will need to make your course area available by the start of the session. (Please have your course available to students by Friday morning, August 20th, if you teach an online or hybrid course that starts that day.)

There are a few things that should be checked as you prepare to start this new session.
  1. Course Copy: If you still need to copy content from a previous course into your current course(s), here are instructions on how to do so. Please read carefully!! Remember that a course copy can take up to 24 hours or more to complete. DO NOT run a course copy a second time, you could end up with double content...this cannot be undone. Submit an IssueTrak ticket after 24 hours if you still have not received an email stating that the process has been completed. I can submit a request to the VCCS to check their logs. Click here for Course Copy Instructions (Read these instructions carefully!!)

  2. Course Check: Did you check all content, assignments, and tests after the upgrade to Blackboard 9? Make sure to check everything carefully to make sure all content is displaying correctly.

  3. Test Bank Software: If you utilize either Test Gen or Exam View, you may have issues with these publishers' test bank software that can only be corrected by updating to the latest version. TestGen (Pearson) needs to be v7.4.4 (go to help menu and click check for updates). ExamView (Cengage) needs to be v 6.2 – you will probably need to log in to their website get this update. If you run into trouble updating, you will need to contact your book rep for assistance.

  4. Duplicate Menu Buttons: Check your course menu, do you have duplicate buttons? When you copied over course content into your new course, you may have copied buttons that you didn't need. You need to either delete or hide those to clean up your course menu. For example: You should have a "Student Help" button, not "Help?". Delete "Help?" if you see this in your course menu. Click here for Organizing the Course Menu Instructions (Warning if you course copied Instructor Resources or Student Help, you probably duplicated the content within those areas. Those areas are automatically created for all courses in the template. You don't need to include them in the course copy. Check the Student help button. You should see 4 folders. If you see duplicate folders, please get rid of them.) If your course is either an online or hybrid course, DO NOT remove the course evaluation button on the course menu. By default it is unavailable to students, but you can make it available near the end of the semester for your students to access the online course evaluation survey.

  5. Invalid HTML Message in Blackboard 9: When you checked your course after the upgrade, within editing mode, you may have had some content items displaying an "Invalid HTML" message. You can use these instructions to remove that message. Click here for Invalid HTML Message: Removal Instructions

  6. Course Availability: You will need to modify the availability of your course for students to have access. Click here for Changing Course Availability Instructions (If your content is not quite ready to go on the 20th, either make your course available and post a welcome announcement with information for your students, or send an email to your students stating when they can expect access. Students become very concerned if they can not access their courses on time. Making your course available and posting the announcement is preferred...not all students check their email account. )

  7. Enroll Yourself As A Student: Did you enroll your student account in your courses to check them out as a student sees them? I recommend that you do this, and take a close look at the student grades area. You might be surprised at what students see. Click here for Instructions

  8. Grade Center: Remember that your grade center area will need to be either set-up or cleaned-up. If you course copy, you will need to go through your grade center and clean it up. Check your categories (they duplicate every time you course copy) and remove categories that you aren't using other than the default categories that can't be removed. (Click on Manage and then Categories within the Grade Center.) Double check assigned column categories and points possible by going to Manage and then Column Organization. Remove columns that you are not using. Look at "Student's Grades" when you are enrolled as a student. Are there any problems or columns that you don't want them to see? (There will be grade center trainings scheduled in late August to help with this.)

  9. URLs to Remember
  • Blackboard 9 Issues: Tips and Workarounds (Please review. I will update this as issues arise or are resolved.)

  • Technology Training Site (This link will take you directly to BB handouts and tutorials.)

  • SVCC Distance Ed Page (Go to this website and scroll down to "Important Links". There you will find links to a Blackboard FAQ page, BB test taking tips page, Computer Maintenance Tips, etc. You might find useful information here that you direct your students to, such as how to submit an assignment into Blackboard or how to post to the discussion board.)